In July 2023, the eastern part of Naples buzzed with the energy of the Body Rock Jam: a two-day extravaganza celebrating the raw passion for hip-hop culture. Thanks to the tireless efforts of the TCK Movement team, from morning till night, attendees were fully immersed in the art and ideologies of the Neapolitan hip-hop world. The event kicked off with an array of activities including dance workshops, wall murals by international artists, and music curated by various DJs, setting the tone for an incredible weekend.

Saturday featured two phenomenal battles: the Mixed Style 2vs2 and the legendary Rap Battle, in collaboration with the Blacksunday Collective  BlacksSUnday World, drawing a massive crowd and creating an electrifying atmosphere. Sunday began with exceptional graffiti guests: Smash137, Tony Tres, and Pluto, with the latter hosting the much-anticipated Throw Up Battle, a yearly spectacle.

The event’s climax was the classic Breaking Battle 2vs2, which saw a record number of participants engaging in intense showdowns. The 2023 edition brought several new features including a bar, a market area, a photo exhibition, and most excitingly, the awards ceremony for the battles in collaboration with Budapest’s Cypher Town (an International Dance Competition in Budapest). This partnership offered winners the opportunity to travel abroad and participate in an extraordinary experience.

Body Rock Jam 2023 was more than just an event; it was a tribute to hip-hop culture and a platform for creative expression. We are eagerly looking forward to reliving this adventure next year and ask: ARE YOU READY FOR 2024?!