In this article, we look at a recent work by German artist HOKER ONE. Taking on the concept of Stoic philosophy, HOKER picks up the Montana BLACK and MARBLE cans for three floors of calligraffiti. November and December are often months of contemplation and reflection in Germany as Autumn’s mood sets in and the days shorten and become gray. For German artist HOKER ONE from Mönchengladbach, the idea of stepping back and thinking about what one does, doesn’t mean that one stops doing things just to think about them. Sound philosophical? It is, and exactly that was the context of his latest work on a three-story parking garage.

Three-stories of philosophical calligraffiti
With the anchor point of Stoic philosophy, HOKER utilized the inspiration of the three Stoical philosophers Epictetus, Seneca, and Marc Aurel to develop the work on the three-level parking garage. Trying to overview the lives of three men who lived in the eventful time of the centuries leading up to, and just after, the birth of Christ would be a thesis within itself. But it is safe to say that HOKER took the influence of each philosopher and applied it to each level of the parking garage.

“It is not things that are positive or negative, just the mindset that makes them one or the other”. A reflection on the Stoic philosophical teachings that suggest not to react to things with passion, to be unmoved by joy or grief, and to submit without complaint to unavoidable necessity. HOKER’s artwork tackles such content with the main focus of calligraphy-styled graffiti. Or as we know it calligraffiti. With a touch of figurative characters, plenty of grayscale Montana BLACK use, and ample magic Montana MARBLE mark-making, you don’t need to the philosophical background about the work to enjoy it, the work speaks for itself over three-stories of uniquely shaped walls. Take a look here for yourself and see that philosophy and graffiti can go together.
All images by the artist HOKER ONE