Nothing comes for free in a capitalist society. Our favorite ‘Post Internet Explorers’, the German post graffiti artists the LOW BROS, take this point to another level in a new mural of the same title. The mural in St. Petersburg, Florida – U.S.A, as part of the Shine Festival, delves into the question of is the price we pay for our networked internet society too high considering it’s original goal of creating an open source community? Did big business break the rules or did we create this monster ourselves for them?

The LOW BROS in Florida

Post Internet Explorers

The LOW BROS and their clever way of visually making the recent past as interesting as the future, merge the digital windows of yesterday with the all too common images of bar codes, abbreviated texting language, high consumption soft drinks and the ever important… smiley face.

It is with no surprise that the Montana BLACK and Montana GOLD cans were again assigned to assist in the addition of their signature Teen Wolf image. A little less prolific then previous artworks, wolf teen is hidden amongst the vibrant colors and red, white, blue of the American flag. See for yourself here.

All images by the artist Low Bros