The MS DOCKVILLE festival has been rocking Hamburg, Germany since 2007. Each year the music festival gets bigger and better. As too does the artwork created for MS ARTVILLE project which is the artistic sister festival to the MS DOCKVILLE spectacular. With an increasingly popular music festival comes the need for increasing sound control. And if your in Hamburg (one of the largest ports in Europe), what better material to use as sound barriers then forty foot shipping containers. Six of them infact, stacked three high and two wide! Some years back it occurred to MS ARTVILLE organisers that this would make a great surface for good art, which is the core of its artistic programming. In 2019, the concept for participating MS ARTVILLE artists to explore was the German word “MORGEN”. Meaning both “tomorrow” and (the) “morning”.

Enter Spanish artist, Sabotaje Al Montaje. From the island of Teneriffe, Al Montaje is familiar with shipping containers that keep his island facilitated. As too is he familiar with the humble seagull. A bird that is as common on his island as the rubbish he see’s it searching through for for food everyday. What will tomorrow be like when we consider the today through the eye’s of a seagull?

Making of

MS ARTVILLE explores a double meaning

With some assistance from scissor lift’s and a well packed kit of Montana BLACK and Montana GOLD cans, Sabotaje Al Montaje set to work on the six container wall of steel. Like a skilled craftsman he negotiated the ripples and imperfections of his substrate to create a stunning artwork that was far from imperfect. The final result looked like this:

Images by Asja Caspari