STRENGTH Mural by Jonathan Darby in the village of Kharja, Jordan

In the village of Kharja, Jordan, just ten kilometers from the Syrian border, a women’s gym stands as a meeting place and community space for Jordanian and Syrian the women. The gym was built with the support of Mercy Corps and holds exercise classes, provides workout machines, and creates an environment for women to strengthen themselves and their bonds with one another. A meeting was held with the young women who attend the gym to discuss the issues of most importance to them in their community. Topics were addressed such as the meaning of strength and being a woman. Ideas about leadership, community bonds, rights, resilience in adversity, and education were written down on paper and then discussed in a group. The women then painted their ideas across the wall, flanking a woman painted by Jonathan Darby. The image of a strong woman with the community’s messages stands as a beacon of inspiration for not only the women who attend the gym but for all who pass by. Huge thanks to Montana Cans!

“STRENGTH” Mural by Jonathan Darby in Jordan

The image of a strong woman with the community’s messages stands as a beacon of inspiration for not only the women who attend the gym but for all who pass by.

Images by Anna Orlowska

strength jonathan darby village kharja jordan

About the Organization

Awareness & Prevention Through Art (aptART) is an organization of artists and activists. Founder Samantha Robison aims to share with conflict affected and marginalized youth an artistic experience alongside the opportunity to express themselves. AptArt creates outlets to build awareness and promote prevention about the issues affecting people’s lives. In collaboration with local and international organizations operating on location, artists and activists coordinate workshops with youth from different communities. The workshops culminate in large-scale public art as well as individual pieces. The workshops and art focus on issues affecting communities with messages of positivity and hope. MONTANA-CANS supports the organisation with art materials since 2012. |