The team at SWG3 in Glasgow Scotland has been changing the face of urban art in the region since 2017. With the introduction of the Yardworks Festival, they have converted the Galvanizers Yard in Glasgow into a multi-dimensional graffiti and urban art playground that has created space for writers, artists, fans, families, residents, and everything in between to come together and celebrate all things creative. In 2023, the second complete Yardworks festival (post-Covid) was held on the 5th/ 6th/ 7th of May playing host to artists locally, nationally, and abroad, complementing the program with a broad array of alternative (yet connected) activities like tasty street food and drinks, workshops, cube installation, half-pipe sessions, and even the much loved Mini-Manoeuvres baby disco that helps the next generation(s) to get their groove on while the artists and creators spread the dynamic colors of the Montana GOLD and BLACK ranges.

Back to the yard
In a partnership with Montana Cans that extends beyond the Yardworks Festival itself, this year SWG3 also proudly launched its new Graffiti Studio, which will provide creative space for countless graffiti writers, artists, creators, and community groups in the coming future.

Color, color, and even more color in the yard
As normal, an awesome day was had by all, and the event was captured to perfection thanks to the lens work of Jay Paterson and drone footage by Wes Kingston. Gracing the walls and paintable surfaces of the Galvanizers Yard on the day were Aches, AKME, Aroe, Alko, ANT1, Aser, Barry The Cat, Bside, Boiing, B More Sketchy, Ciaran Globel + Conzo Throb (Conzo Globel), Created By Imrie, Danny Rumbl, Ders, Drik The Villain, Easi Peasi, Ejek, Ellietype, Elph, Emsky, Epod, Etnik, Eray, Fool Swing, Frank Carty, Friz, Frodrick, Gabs, Gordy Livingston, Grin, Hana Lindsay, Hans, HMC, Hungry Window, Insane 51, Jay Kaes, James Klinge, Jim Vision, Jo Curtis, Kai, Kink, KMG, Kryme, Latoy, Lightbody107, Lindsay Grime, Luca, Luck, Lyndsey Arts, Mack Colours, MAKONE, Marcamix031, Marcus, Mark Worst, Meds, Michael Corr, Micky, Micro, Miss U, Molly Hankinson, Morf, Mosk, Nic A Doodle Do, Panda, Philaico, Pizzaboy, Pledg, Posea, Purse1, Rachel E. Miller, Rask, Rogue One, Rolek, Ross Macrae, Sair, Sane, Saturno, Seck, Shona Hardie, Snub23, Spaceboy, Sprite, Taio, Tap End Tef, The Cube, Theme, TNGC, Tragic O’Hara, Trench, Usto, VENTONE, Vera, Void One, Voyder, Vues, Wee Thistle., Wosker, Zelda, Zippy, and 5Pence. A list of creators that pushed the envelope of style in every direction possible for urban, street, and graffiti art.

An event celebrated by all, not just the graffiti community
With the 2023 festival behind them, a short breather for the SWG3 gang will now take place in preparation for the organization of the next installment, the Yardworks Festival 2024. Watch this space for more color and creativity, but until then enjoy the delights of the 2023 Yardworks Festival.

All images by Jay Paterson