An educated population is pivotal for a healthy and successful society. Both men and women deserve equal access to education and need role models to inspire them. Images of female role models are not as present as male role models in schools. In an effort to inspire the girls to tell the world their ideas a meeting was held at their school. The young women discussed issues of most importance to them and what ideas they would like to share with the world. Ideas of freedom, equality and empowerment were shared. The girls then painted their words and messages ascending up a massive wall into the face of a peaceful and strong woman created by Jonathan Darby. Her face is adorned with tattoos traditional to Jordan. Inside her hijab reads, “The secret to creativity is the freedom of thought”. The painting is visible from far distances, embodying strong a female role model filled with free expression from girls who learn at the school.
FREEDOM IN THOUGHT by Jonathan Darby
“The secret to creativity is the freedom of thought”
Awareness & Prevention Through Art (aptART) is an organization of artists and activists. Founder Samantha Robison aims to share with conflict affected and marginalized youth an artistic experience alongside the opportunity to express themselves. AptArt creates outlets to build awareness and promote prevention about the issues affecting people’s lives. In collaboration with local and international organizations operating on location, artists and activists coordinate workshops with youth from different communities. The workshops culminate in large-scale public art as well as individual pieces. The workshops and art focus on issues affecting communities with messages of positivity and hope. MONTANA-CANS supports the organisation with art materials since 2012.