The notion of keeping it in the family is a nice one should the family you are in be a close unit that is supportive of one another. The same goes for graffiti. A little competition and friction can be good to keep things moving, but it’s even better if you have peers and mentors around you to help you through more challenging times.

Keeping it in the family
In a recent event run by the Cziplee store in Bangsar Malaysia, the notion of fam, support, and the love of graffiti was the common thread between all involved. With the star of the show being the artist CLOAKWORK who was celebrating his featured Montana BLACK Artist Edition can release in Malaysia, a group of 10 artists, young old, and in between, the Cziplee Graffiti Jam set out to celebrate the positive possibilities of graffiti while supporting one of their own, CLOAKWORK.

Montana BLACK, Cloakwork Orange
A series of boards were painted by each artist while CLOAKWORK set out to paint a piece of the Cziplee store wall. Apart from the requirements to use as much of the Cloakwork Orange color BLACK can in their works as possible, the only thing putting on the brakes to their creativity was the rain. The full list of artists included: Cloakwork, Drewfunk, Jefr, Newba, Kos, Nes2, Snake2, Zozo, Yang, Cham and Kwan.

We’re all fam here
The Cziplee store, as part of the Cziplee group, itself is a member of the fam. In this case, the family-run business, the Cziplee Group has been catering to the needs of artists and creatives since 1968. Czip, meaning a gathering of a certain few in unity (like a tight-knit family), and Lee, meaning strength, endurance, and vision. All of this could also be a description of the graffiti community which is a reflection of the aims of the Cziplee Jam.