
SatOne just completed his latest mural in Bielfeld titled “Rebirth” SatOne usually working abstract in nature with vivid colors, yet when you look closer you are able to see color and form establish a conceptual idea. It is through his abstract aesthetic and brilliant use of color that you are confronted first with a beautiful image of abstraction, but as you look closer you may notice the symbolic use of color and manipulation of form creating representational elements as well. See more images after jump.

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In the artist’s words “You could see the composition as a macro shot from a little wrench which produce new blossoms. The greenish part on the left symbolizes a mold and dying “something” where actually new life grows (the strong pink/red parts), In many aspects in life (nature/ life experiences/ social behavior / relationships) things have to die first before new things come alive. So the title “Rebirth” is a loop/circuit in life you should get used to.” Another Impressive mural from SatOne.

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Fotos by: Parsprofoto
